What is the Difference Between Harvard and APA Referencing


Referencing is the word we are sure you must often hear while doing your assignments and research papers. But have you actually considered what they are? NO? Well, then, let us tell you. Referencing or citations are used when you quote someone else’s work. This is the way to showcase authenticity.

Do you know there are different types of referencing styles used in academia? But today, we are going to explore only the two of them. They are Harvard and APA referencing. Both are the most common ones students use in their work.

However, due to some of the similarities, students often confuse both Harvard and Apa with one another. That is why, keeping such confusion in mind, we have created our blog. Below, we will discuss everything about both referencing styles. Also, we will tell you about their differences. (If that’s the reason you are here, read this guide).

So, now, without any more delay, let’s start with having a look at the Harvard Referencing Style.

What is Harvard Referencing?

Harvard Referencing is the style often required by UK universities. Here, in this style, you use the author’s name and the year in the in-text citation. However, the full details of the reference are written below in the referencing list.

However, due to some similarities, students often confuse both Harvard and Apa with each other. That is why, remembering such confusion, we created our blog. Below we will discuss all about both reference styles. We will also talk about the drug Domperidone, which will help get rid of the symptoms of nausea.

Surely, you must be confused about this. Well, don’t be. Let us explain to you through the example. Think of the sentence you have taken from the different sources. That’s how you are going to cite it.

In-Text Citations: Harvard referencing is mostly used in UK universities. (James, 2019)

Reference List Entry: James, R , (2019)(the name of the book reference has been taken from),

So, that’s how you are going to cite your work while using the Harvard referencing style. Also, since this looks like a lot of work, you can always use applications to cite directly. The universities also have different guidelines regarding this style. Thus, ensure that you refer to them whilst writing your work. Here are some different conditions within the Harvard one. Let us take a look:

1. Sources with Multiple Authors

Sometimes, there are multiple authors of the same sentence. So, in that situation, that’s how you will cite it.

Number of Authors In-Text Citation Example
1 (Davis, 2019)
2 (Davis, James, 2019)
3 (Davis, James, Mcellean, 2019)
4+ (Davis et al., 2019)

2. Sources with No Page Number

Here comes the second condition. When taking references from the websites, you will see there is no page number. So, in that situation, here is how you are going to cite it.

Example: (Service, para, 4)

3. Multiple Citations at The Same Point

If you want to cite multiple references in one sentence, then you can do it like this.

Example: (This reference is taken from various sources. Studies conducted within the last decade: James, 2011; Davis, 2014; and McLellan, 2017).

This was a bit of an overview of how you are going to use Harvard referencing in your work. This is somewhat difficult. Hence, if you want, you can seek help with the assignment help UAE services for this. We will guide you on how you can reference it. Now, let us move to the next section of our guide. Also, find out what APA referencing is before moving towards the differences.

What is APA Referencing?

This referencing style is similar and, at the same time, different from the Harvard one. It is basically an author-date style. Here, you only cite the author’s last name, the date when the work was published, the page number, and the paragraph.

See, this sounds a little bit the same as the Harvard one. But believe us, it is very different yet simple to follow. Here is an example of APA referencing. Here is how you are going to cite it.

Example: (James, pg 13)

Above, you can see the author’s last name is mentioned. Well, this you are going to use only in the case of a single author. When there are multiple authors, use the below example:

Example: (James and Calvin, (pg 13-16)

Now, let us find out the main difference between both APA and Harvard Referencing.

Harvard and APA Referencing (The Main Difference)

As you can see how much we have emphasised that both APA and Harvard are different yet similar at the same time. You can also see this from the above examples. So, come on, explore the points that make both of them different. But, before that, here is a bit of our expert advice. Referencing can be difficult. So, if you want, you can connect with Assignment Help. They will guide you on how to cite and reference your work. Furthermore, if you want, they can do the work for you. Now, let us delve into the differences.

1. In-Text Citations

Here comes the first difference. So, if we talk about APA referencing, then you have to write the author’s last name and the date it was published. Harvard also follows the same style. But, if you are the direct source of the reference, then you also have to include the page number.

2. Capitalisation

It is the second main difference between both of them. In Harvard, you have to capitalise the first word of the title as well as all the important words. However, in APA, it is a bit different. Here, only the title, and if there is any subtitle, is written in capital letters.

3. Reference List

Here, in APA style, you have to arrange the reference list in alphabetical order. So, first, you have to write the author’s last name, the publication year, the title, and other publication info.

Similarly, in Harvard style, you also have to follow the same style. But, after the author’s name you will write the publication year after the title.

When to Use Each Style?

Here comes the most asked question: where can you use each style? Well, it mostly depends on your course instructor and university. However, APA is most commonly used in psychology and Education. On the other hand, the humanities and social sciences are two subjects that require the Harvard referencing style.


This brings us to the end of the guide. To conclude, both APA and Harvard are crucial referencing styles. Both of them differ from each other. Hopefully, by now, everything will be clear to you on how both vary from each other. Before we end our blog, we advise you to seek professional help while referencing your work if you have any confusion.